Shirakami Sanchi


Mountainous Land with Waterfalls, Lakes, and Beautiful Scenery

Mountainous Land with Waterfalls, Lakes, and Beautiful Scenery

Shirakami Sanchi is a large area of mountainous land that extends from Aomori to Akita prefecture. Specific areas of Shirakami Sanchi were recognized by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites in 1993. In fact, Shirakami Sanchi was one of the few sites to be registered as Japan's World Heritage sites. Although the area distinguished as World Heritage is not open to the public, other areas of Shirakami Sanchi are popular for hiking. The trails allow you to indulge in the beautiful scenery of mountains, waterfalls, and lakes. Juniko is a popular destination within Shirakami Sanchi. Literally translating to "twelve lakes", Juniko is an area of small lakes and ponds through the hiking trails. Visitors can experience boating, fishing, and camping at the lake.

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