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Martial arts were originally developed as arts of war by the samurai have evolved into forms of austere discipline aimed at spiritual improvement. Budo, or martial arts, can be characterized into two categories: koryū and gendai budō. Koryū refers to budo originating in Japan prior to the Meiji Restoration in 1888. For example, Sumo which dates back approximately 1500 years would be considered a type of koryū. Gendai budō which literally means modern martial way
refers to budo emerging after the Meiji Restoration such as judo. The purpose of gendai budō, unlike koryū, is not warfare but instead self-improvement. Fans of martial arts can add a day of fun visiting unique locations like the Sumo Museum or the Samurai Museum while in Tokyo during their Cherry Blossom Japan Tour or Anime Vacation free day. Guests can also customize a private Japan tour to visit dojos and practice their discipline on martial-arts themed vacation.
Japanese Martial Art - the way of the harmonious spirit
The modern martial art of Japanese archery
Shaolin Temple Fist Method
Training of one's body and spirit